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Version currently available: 2024.1
See Release Notes.


JArchitect is a tool that simplifies managing a complex Java code base. Architects and developers can analyze code structure, specify design rules, do effective code reviews and master evolution by comparing different versions of the code.

JArchitect provides more than 120 default CQLinq queries to detect flaws concerning:

  • Dependencies,
  • Complex implementations,
  • Naming,
  • Structure problems,
  • and much more ...
You can customize easily these default rules or create your rules using CQLinq
JArchitect provides more than 120 default CQLinq queries to detect flaws concerning dependencies, complex implementations, naming, structure problems and more. You can customize easily these default rules or create your rules using CQLinq

No it's not mandatory, JArchitect analyze the byte code and the source code is only needed for some metrics like the Cyclomatic Complexity or LOC.

jarchitect supports Java, and each language using the JVM and generating the byte code.